Sundew Day Surgery

24 Sundew Rise, Joondalup WA 6027

Welcome to Sundew Day Surgery

Director of Nursing

Sundew Day Surgery is a new modern facility with state-of-the-art equipment, designed for both day and overnight patients. Our day surgery is a modern facility designed to meet the needs of the Joondalup Community, and we are focused on building a name for supporting our surgeons with highly specialised surgical teams and premium patient service.

Angela Arnold

General Manager / Director of Nursing

Patient information

We are committed to ensuring you are kept informed every step of the way through your hospital visit, and we know this starts before the day of your procedure. Our pre-admission process is designed to help you get ready for your operation and make sure you have everything you need for your stay with us.

For information on open/direct access to Gastroenterology please email

Learn more about what to expect and how to prepare for your surgery

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Acknowledging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is an important aspect of ending exclusion.

Sundew Day Surgery acknowledges the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation, and recognises the culture of the Noongar people and the unique contribution they make to the Joondalup region and Australia.

Awareness of the importance of different cultures and acceptance of this diversity as a part of modern Australia is central to the Sundew Day Surgery culture. This increased acceptance across all aspects of our society is a critical aspect in helping to create a more united Australia.

  • About the Whadjuk region

    Whadjuk is the name of the dialectal group of indigenous people from the Perth area. Whadjuk is situated south and north of the Pinjarup dialectal groups.

    The major cities and towns within the Whajuk region include Perth, Fremantle, Joondalup, Armadale, Toodyay, Wundowie, Bullsbrook and Chidlow. The approximate size of the Whadjuk region is 5,580 km.

    Sundew day surgery is based in Joondalup – this Northern part of the Whajuk region is part of Mooro country, and is an important place for indigenous people. Mooro Elders have granted permission for stories and other information in the 2014 Joondalup Mooro Boodjar to be published to enable the community to gain a wider appreciation of the indigenous connection to the land.

    The name Joondalup is a Noongar word, first recorded in 1837 and possibly meaning either “place of whiteness or glistening”, or “place of a creature that can only move backwards”.

24 Sundew Rise, Joondalup WA 6027

08 6118 6371


Mon to Fri 6:30am - 8:00pm

Free parking available on site

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